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No More Sagging Breasts

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015, 8:28 am


breast liftBreast lift is also known as mastopexy. This is the most popular cosmetic surgery done to elevate saggy breasts. The procedure is done under general anesthesia.

Why the procedure is performed

Cosmetic breast surgery is surgery you choose to have. You do not need it for medical reasons.

Women usually have breast lifts to lift sagging, loose breasts. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and normal aging may cause a woman to have stretched skin and smaller breasts.

You should probably wait to have a breast lift if you are:

  • Planning to lose weight
  • Pregnant or still nursing a child
  • Planning to have more children

Talk with a plastic surgeon if you are considering cosmetic breast surgery. Discuss how you expect to look and feel better. Keep in mind that the desired result is improvement, not perfection.

Preparing for a breast lift

The first step in getting a breast lift is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Tijunelis from Lake County Plastic Surgery & Vein Center is an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon in breast surgeries that can perform mastopexy on your breast. You can book an appointment with the doctor at In your consultation meeting with your plastic surgeon, inform the doctor about your goals. Your doctor will also evaluate your health; explain the procedure, its benefits, risks and recovery and describe your options. You will also be prohibited from taking anti-inflammatory medication and cigarettes. You need to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and assist you with your home chores.

Procedure for breast lift

On your day of surgery, Dr. Tijunelis will mark the new position where the nipple will be transferred to. You will then be taken to the operating room where you will be given general anesthesia. Incisions will be made around your areola. Your doctor will then reduce your areola size by excising extra surrounding skin. The nipple is then moved higher to a new position for a more youthful look. Cuts are then closed up with sutures. Drains may be placed beneath your skin to remove excess blood. Incision site is then bandaged.

Recovering from breast lift

Bandages and drains will be removed on your second day following surgery. Dr. Tijunelis will aslo evaluate your nipples color as well as the blood supply. Stitches will be removed within 1-2 weeks after surgery. Prescribed pain killers will help you manage pain. Antibiotics will prevent chances of infection. Your doctor will instruct you to wear a surgical bra or compression garment in the initial 6 weeks to reduce swelling and offer support. You can only resume normal activity like exercise after about 6 weeks or as your doctor advises. Your breasts symmetry may have a slight difference but that can be improved later if you so wish. Additional procedures like breast augmentation can be combined with breast lift to give you more youthful looking breasts.

Insurance and breast lifts

Most breast lifts are considered cosmetic surgeries. Health insurance companies usually don't cover them unless they are done as part of a mastectomy reconstruction.


Check with your health insurance company in advance so you're clear on what costs you'll need to pay.

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Category: Breast

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